Lecture on "Life beyond structures and analysis" (last lecture of a 41-lecture series, organized by NPTEL, on 'Advanced Structural Analysis'; this one deals with many issues in life that are not covered in modern education: finding one's life purpose, self-actualization, heart-centred living, etc.). -
Procedure for Registration
* Referrals through Department/ Faculty members
* Call 0495-2286180 to fix appointment
* email to sgc@nitc.ac.in
* Direct walk-in
Please mail the following Details to sgc@nitc.ac.in
Roll Number
Email Id
Phone Number
Faculty Advisor
Introduction and Objectives
Student Guidance Cell (SGC) aims to provide guidance and counselling services to students based on their needs with assured privacy and confidential exchange of communication. SGC also provides academic support in the form of special classes for students. The formation of SGC was based on the feedback from graduated students of the institute who stressed on the need to have a facility to counsel and motivate the students. SGC helps the students to function better in all domains of life – academic, social, personal and psychological. The motive behind SGC stems from the need to facilitate the process of growth and maintain a positive well being of the students. The counselling services offered by SGC empowers the students to have enhanced ability to solve problems, make decisions as well as make them more efficient in tackling personal problems. In a nut shell, it is aimed at enhancing their ability to utilise the best potential available in them. The SGC avails the help of two trained clinical psychologists who are available in the institute.
Structure of SGC
- Patron – Director, NIT Calicut
The other members of SGC are:
* Dean (Students Welfare)
* Faculty in-charge
* Faculty Co-ordinators
* Faculty Advisors
* Clinical Psychologists
* Student Co-ordinators
Each student of the institute is assigned to a Faculty Advisor (FA) who is a faculty member of the respective department. The FA is to be contacted for all academic guidance by the student. The students may also share their personal problems with their FA. Each department has Faculty co-ordinator/s who act as the link between the FAs and the SGC. The student co-ordinators can also be approached for help and guidance on all academic and nonacademic issues.
- Patron – Director, NIT Calicut
Issues addressed by SGC
* Academic difficulties
* Stress
* Anxiety
* Depression or Suicidal tendencies
* Substance abuse /addiction
* Family /relationship problems
* Skill deficiency
* Language difficulties<
* Services Offered
* Stress Management
* Skill training
* Individual Therapy for anxiety/depression and tailor made therapies for individual problems based on recent evidence
It is assured that strict confidentiality would be maintained and the students’ problems would be addressed with empathy and in a non-judgmental manner.
* Academic difficulties
How it Functions
> Faculty advisor will have a prominent role in the overall upbringing of the student through continuous mentoring of the students.
> Faculty Coordinators will help in guiding the students through the Faculty Advisors or directly with the help of student volunteers of SGC.
> Student volunteers of SGC will be available to the students at any time of need and for guidance. -
How it Functions
> Professional counselors (to be appointed) in the campus will be available for counseling purposes at any time of need as per the student.
> Student-faculty meetings will be organized to improve the relationship between them.
> Students and parents should keep in touch with their respective faculty advisors continuously. -
Faculty Coordinators
Faculty In-Charge: Dr.Harikrishana M , Assistant Professor
EEE: Dr. Rijil Ramchand, Asst. Prof.
Mr. Kumaravel S, Asst. Prof.
ME: Dr. Manu R, Asst. Prof.
CE: Mr. A S Sajith, Asst. Prof.
CSE: Ms. Anu Mary Chacko, Asst. Prof.
CH: Dr. Lity Alen Varghese, Asst. Prof.
ECE: Dr. Rama Subrahmanyam Komaragiri
Faculty Coordinators
Architecture: Ms.Chithra K, Asst. Prof.
BT: Dr. Rajanikant G.K, Asst. Prof.
Physics: Dr. Chandrasekharan K, Asst. Prof.
Chemistry: Dr. G Unni Krishnan, Prof.
Mathematics: Dr. Satyananda Panda, Asst. Prof.
Nanoscience: Dr. V Sajith, Asst. Prof.
SOMS: Dr. S Sunitha, Asst. Prof.
How to Reach Us?
You can approach us any time through the Contact Us form in the website or through mobile numbers provided in this website, round the clock for any valid reason and expect us to keep it confidential.